Mercedes-Benz shot a comic series about crash tests

10-июл, 12;31 admin 11 515
Mercedes-Benz approached the next scheduled crash test event with humor and shot a short series. Two dummies nicknamed Tommy and Fred became the characters of the videos, and the initial episode is dedicated to testing the brake system of a Mercedes car.
The series is available on the official YouTube channel of the famous automaker. Already in the initial episode while testing the brakes, the mannequins Tommy and Fred sprinkle with jokes and humor. According to the manufacturers of the sitcom, during the filming, not a single car was seriously damaged! At the same time, the crash test veteran Fred was very upset by this fact, and at the end of the episode he even complained about fate, because "it was the worst day in his life."

The series was clearly timed to coincide with the new published rules for crash tests. Euro NCAP issues new regulations every two years. The latter, in particular, touched upon the mandatory conduct of a head-on collision with a moving obstacle.
This test was not used for 23 years, when it was once replaced by a blow against a fixed obstacle. In addition, the Euro NCAP decided to change the side crash tests. Cars must now take hits from two sides. New regulations should have a positive effect on passenger safety.